Originally posted by sngx1275
damn you guys have pretty high scores. if 100 is supposed to be the median how come I have the lowest of anyone in here at this time with a 118? (12 minute test on 3 beers at 3:15am).
I don't have time to take the test right now (gotta leave for a quick trip to FL) but I thought a score of 100 is the average or mean score, not the median. Can anyone clarify?
I agree with many of the observations here that IQ is just one tool to gather info about oneself and just one on-line test means little or nothing. While in college, I took a bunch of the standardized tests while learning how to administer them and I wan't really impressed with the results, i.e. we all pretty much know already about where we land on the bell curve.
Common sense (which ain't so common!) and the so-called emotional IQ, do factor into all this self-assessment.