Originally posted by Mojo_PeiPei
If I were an Israeli I would consider him a hero. Hell I'm not an Israeli and I think he is a hero. He is a man who has been at the frontlines fighting those who would destroy him and his people for over 50 years. It's not my place to judge him, that is between him and Yahweh. You have to look at the context of the situation... The Arabs never wanted peace, they don't today, and they won't tomorrow. What you don't understand is you can't play nice when it comes to war, its either kill first or be killed, just happens that Ariel Sharon is very good at bringing the pain to the Arabs.
Sharon is a butcher and a pig. He is far more adept at bringing pain to Israelis, in order to keep himself in power, than he is to the Arabs.
He wants peace no more than Arafat, war keeps them both on the throne.
Honestly, what could be more stupid and counter productive than reprisals against suicide bombers. The people who you are trying to kill don't give a damn, and the people you end up killing just pisses others off so much that they become suicide bombers.
When you get stung by a wasp, do you go and beat the nest with a stick?