Batman976, I also think Ghost World is a great film. It is one of the few movies I can watch every once in a while without getting sick of it.
The last movie I saw was Top Gun. This was my first time seeing it. I thought it was pretty bad. Directed by Tony Scott, didn't he die after making "Blow" or is that another Scott? Anyway, it was on VHS, so it had an old 1986 Diet Pepsi commercial in the beginning, the soda ejector didn't work, so he had to fly the jet upside down to let the gravity pour the Diet Pepsi from the bottle to his cup. The commercial was probably the best part of the movie. I was only 7 when it was released, but it seems like a good artifact of the whole Reagan/ Cold War era. Oh, I didn't watch it to the end. I wonder if Tom Cruise is successful or if he dies. Hmm