Please why even get a pet if you don't want the responsibility then? Lord forbid you ever have children. Cats need to see vets too ya know they also can get diagnosed with Feline Aids. Everytime we take our dogs in to get boarded we see more cats at the damn place gettin fixed up than dogs. You think cats don't mess up your house? Leave em at your house for a week and come back to your couch shredded. You have to buy them way more excessories so they don't destroy your freakin house. 11 different toys cause they get bored with all of em, a scratching board so they don't claw up on all your furniture. A dog you just give em one bone and they'll chew it till it's completely gone and a litter box smells worse than any dog I've ever had plus no dog of mine has ever brought a dead animal into my house (not that dogs don't I'm sure they do). Seems like everyone here likes cats not because they're better companions or more loving pets but because they require no responsibility. Shitty reason if you ask me. Just tie the dog outside give him a big bowl a water and a big bowl a dog food. They aren't as big a responsibility as you guys are making them out to be.
"I love music and it's my parents fault (closing statement)." - Me..quoting myself...from when I said that...On TFP..thats here...Tilted Forum Project
It ain't goodbye, it's see ya later! I'll miss you guys!  - Asta!!
Last edited by K-Wise; 10-20-2003 at 01:30 PM..