here's an idea then. If life keeps evolving, and females possess the most stable DNA, then are it not the males that have the radical element, the most possible parametres and changes.
With most changes being well within the limits of acceptable and viable, and some falling outside, for the better or worse.
In that way I would look at female DNA as the tempering effect, and the male DNA as the blind & wild driving force behind DNA evolution.
So in that way I would say that a world without males is pointless, as is a world without females. Since a world with only female DNA is destined to fail, because not enough variety is present to overcome normal events in the world.
The same way, a world with only male DNA will die out, as a horrible collection of complete freaks and weirdo's
the thing is that atm human society is somewhat disconnected from normal influences of nature, so it doesn't completely hold up anymore, but I would still stand by it. You're never totally free of the planet you live on, no matter how civilised you think you and yours are.