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Old 10-20-2003, 08:42 AM   #11 (permalink)
Location: San Diego, CA.
I think you are absolutely right about ADD and intelligence. My little brother (13) has been diagnosed with ADHD for quite some time now. They had him on some drug (not ritalin) for a while, and eventually it started to not work. Apparently the doctors said this was normal for that drug, and moved him onto Adderal. He is now taking 30 or 40mg in the once daily tablets. I tell you, if you are taking the pills 2 or 3 times a day, go to your doctor and ask about the time release caplets, they are a godsend. He used to get really bad and twitchy, reckless, and spasy between doses, and right after his last one wore off. With the time release he is good all day, and it slowly wears off at night, without the sudden recoil of the drug wearing off.

Anyway, back to smart people. Seems to me like ADD kids are *usually*, not always....oh man, not always.... very intelligent. Not just "wow hes smart" but "oh damn....that kids a friggin genious" kind of smart. Personally, i think this makes their condition that much worse. Again, i am not ADD, but i deal with my brother all the time. He is very bright. Take math for example. Hes in algebra and they are doing those 2 and 3 variable questions. Reasonably tough stuff for the beginning/middle of 8th grade. He solves most of them in his head. Thus math is very tough for him. He cant comprehend the reason for showing his work, or why he should do the steps they tell him to, if you can just solve it in your head. So naturally he gets irritated, starts stressing and getting on everyones nerves. Not because he is a bad kid, but because the rest of the world just doesn't move as fast as he does.

Also, ADD definately expresses itself in different ways for different people. reanna, im glad to hear that as a teacher you have looked into ADD and how to deal with it. Sadly, my brother wasn't so lucky to have teachers like you. ADD is a recognized disability. Therefore, teachers are required to try and accomodate students with learning disabilities. So my parents set up a plan for my brother to work with his teachers to deal with his problems. Nothing major, but stuff like asking him personally to turn in his papers, and watching him get them out. Or letting him come by after school to check and make sure he had written down his homework. Sadly though, so many teachers these days are lazy. Or dont care, im not sure which. And they just refuse to do anything to help or aid students with these problems.

My brother (my closes reference to ADD) has a very low tolerance for written production. He can sit down at a computer and blast out his thoughts pretty easily. But make him sit down and write it by hand or copy something thats already printed and its a source of infinite frustration for him. Luckily with technology becoming more abundant in life, teachers are finding ways to accomodate this, such as e-mailing him assignments list for the dayt or week, or having a web page with the homework.

Im glad to hear many people have outgrown this, becuase we have been working very hard and very closely with him and those people around him, to make him able to function like a normal person on the medication. At that point, its good to know there is a possibility of slowly weaning him off of it. For those of you dealing with it, i wish you the best of luck, and for those of you dealing with those who have it, be patient with them, and good luck.
Dont cry kid, It's not your fault you suck.
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