I go by Ebert's movie reviews. I've read every single review he's did since 1985, and after reading every damn one of them I have to say that he nails it perfect. I realize that some people watch movies for only entertainment, and that's fine. But I want a quality movie that delivers a message or a bigger picture. If Ebert gives a movie less than 3 stars out of 4, I simply won't see it. Every time I do, I find it being exactly how Ebert said. People say movie critics are crap, and that you should form your own opinions...well, why form my own opinion if I can read someone who I know will be the exact same as mine? I can save time and money. I don't have to pay to see a shitty movie, and I can use the time to watch a good movie.
The same goes with videogames as well. Electronic Gaming Monthly and IGN have very, very good reviews that I'm used to and trust. If they say a game is good, I buy it, and I'm NEVER disappointed. If I con myself into buying a game that they gave bad reviews, it always sucks. It's as simple as that.
So, if ya don't want to believe that movie/game critics are trustworthy, go spend your money on MIB2 or play Enter the Matrix simply because you were looking forward to it. It's sure as Hell not my time and money that's being wasted.