So yeah. they fired me. i went in and got into it with one of the managers. I refused to sign a wite up form that basically said that I was a liar so they fixed it and it wasn't much better so i refused to sign that one too. then she came out with the newest one (basically saying no call no show that i agreed to sign) she said she heard me talking badly about the company and that i was planning on giving my two weeks so just to go home and don't worry about it. and the rest of my shifts were covered too. so i got the HR number and i'm gonna call them tomorrow and see what can be done. so, that was my day. bermuDa, I wish i had the guts to say what you posted. That would have been great

but being happy about not ever having to go back into that shithole upset her even more than anything i could have said

thanks for your advice guys. Now next question, what should i say to the HR dept to make sure she gets in trouble.