Originally posted by biznotch
I do smell a lot of b/s in this post. I myself haven't met that many experts in martial arts or gun firing in my life. And the fact that there's supposedly a dozen of people or more that posted in thread that have like 20 years of martial arts training or are experts in gun shooting kinda makes me sick. I mean it might true for some of you guys, but a lot are just talking crap
Not really, biznotch. Look at it this way. I really have zero idea how many TFP members there are, but let's say roughly 5,000 - which is probably a low estimate. Now, with six people "arguing" their respective side of this debate, that means that .12% of the TFP users consider themselves proficient enough in Martial Arts or firearms to feel confident debating the subject. That's probably a low sampling of the general population.
And of course, a thread like this is going to attract the people who are proficient in one or the other. I have been involved in Martial Arts for about 23 years now - since I was 8 years old. I'm obviously very passionate about this subject, as are almost everyone in this thread. While someone who is proficient at knitting may have an opinion on this subject, they probably aren't going to passionately argue it in a thread like this.
Now, let's get to the real debate here... If your Dad pulled a gun on my Dad, my Dad could kick your Dad's ass...