Open Letter to David Blaine
Hey David.
I've heard you locked yourself in a box without food. Apparently this is some kind of publicity stunt. Not eating is not exactly a trick. I know, it could be dangerous. Lethal. Even bad for you. But you know what? A shitload of people have tried this before. And they didn't have tv-cameras shoved up their "heroic" asses. About those eggs and golfballs that hit your box? Well, let's just say you should have done this prank of yours in Las Vegas. Londoners tend to find obnoxious pricks to be obnoxious pricks, and treat them accordingly.
Back to the eating thing: You're a wanker. If what you're doing is so dangerous and exciting, send home those doctors who sniff your urine out every hour or so. See how you can do it without support. It's been done before, and why aim at being Blaze Bailey when you can be Bruce Dickinson? (If you didn't catch that reference, get the fuck out of England, glass box and all.)
I liked your street magic. You're obviously talented at some things. So why not do things that would be truly amazing and original? Maybe being a part of Leonardo DiCaprio's so-called "Pussy-posse" gives you less attention than you feel you deserve; that Jack and Rose act is pretty hard to beat, innit? I have two suggestions for you. Pick either one.
1. You liquify all your assets, and send all your money to starving kids in Africa.
2. You play russian roulette with a Glock 17.
Sincerely Yours;
Xenu Hubbard.
PS; I still have no idea how you did that levitation trick; were you standing on your ego?
The above was written by a true prophet. Trust me.
"What doesn't kill you, makes you bitter and paranoid". - SB2000