I finally got to watch the US/Fiji test match (Fox Sports World is broadcasting matches on a 72 hour delay schedule and Pay Per View prices are just too high at 20 bucks a pop for a match) and I gotta tell ya, I'm just a little disappointed after seeing that match. Too many mistakes by the U.S. side to give up that lead. I know it's asking a lot, but hey, I'm a stickler for mistake free anything if it means a mark in the "W" column. It seems like the Eagles got on a high off of scoring that beauty of a try from Hercus' torpedo kick (someone's been watching too much American Football and the punters) and just forgot to play their game and let Fiji come back. Overall, it was a good effort, but I don't think I'm the only Yank that's tired of just "moral victories" for our side.
On a side note: I've been watching way too much rugby (if there is such a thing) I've started to say things like "bugger" around my friends. They're starting to look at me strangely whenever I start talking like a Kiwi and saying phrases like that.
"This ain't no Ice Cream Social!"
"Hey Grif, Chupathingy...how bout that? I like it...got a ring to it."
"I have no earthly idea what it is I just saw, or what this place is, or where in the hell O'Malley is! My only choice is to blame Grif for coming up with such a flawed plan. Stupid, stupid Grif."
Last edited by archer2371; 10-19-2003 at 08:34 AM..