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Old 10-18-2003, 04:39 PM   #13 (permalink)
opentocomments's Avatar
Location: St. Louis
Well i was reading up on sum good hellenistic philosophy (i asked a friend why do we work a shit as job and he responded why are we here blah blah blah ect...) And i came across the Algorithm of the Cave and its the same premise. A group of people are trapped in a cave and all they see are shadows then one for some reason gets released and he leaves the cave and sees the entire world when he comes back everyone laughs at him because they dont understand what hes seen and he cant stay inside the cave because its soo uninteresting to him and he knows it isnt real. great story ill try to find it on the web. well im gonna go get food so why dont u f00bz google Plato's Cave
How do we know that the sky is not green and we are all color-blind?
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