Is it better to have loved and lost?
What do you think? I mean, why experience the pain? Is the feeling of love and caring that you have for someone supposed to outweigh the pain of losing them? Are you supposed to, after losing someone, look back and somehow be comforted by how much you cared? Doesn't that just increase the pain? Isn't it harder to know how much you care about someone and know that you've lost them for good than it is to just never know how much you could've/would've cared? It feels to me that the pain is infinitely increased knowing how much I care about someone and knowing that I've lost them. And I don't believe the bullshit about "If you love them, let them go". How does it show someone that you love them if you just let them go-- if you just wave the white flag and surrender, just accepting what is said? But then.... does it show them that you love them more if you just let them leave? Does it show them how much you care? I don't understand. Hence the reason I tend to build a wall around myself when it comes to relationships. The worst pain in the world for me is when I open myself up to someone, willingly, trusting them with my whole being, let them make my barriers disappear, and then lose them. I just don't know......

Anyone can be passionate, but it takes real lovers to be silly-Rose Franken
.... absence makes me miss him more...