How does sexual reproduction occur without males (apart from artificial techniques, which can also be developed for male/male interaction).
This is like the theories that XYY or XXY people were criminal. a theory later consigned to the same waste bin as phrenology (or better, reverse phrenology).
The idea that the Y Chromosome is a damaged and hateful thing does not stand up to my mind.
It's sad to think that men and women are willing to make sweeping sexist statements such as "It's all testosterone" or "Learn to change a car wheel". Lest ye forget, women are also "slaves" to testosterone; merely in smaller quantities.
Let's try and keep a debate such as this above this inherited guilt men appear to be expected to feel.
Man Alone
Abstainer: a weak person who yields to the temptation of denying himself a pleasure.
Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary.