Originally posted by pocon1
Hey Moonduck,
I don't hate the Germans today, But I hate representation of what they did and stood for 60 years ago. That pic is a representation of German militarism, nationalism, ethnic pride and racism, and the willingness to subjugate all who stand in their way.
Militarism, sure, agreed. Nationalism, bit of a stretch. It's two soldiers. You look and see them as German because of they're helmets and grenades. An astute student of history could also see Spanish soldiers in that photo. The Spaniards used the same helm at that time, and same style of grenade. They were Germany's ally and bought much of their military gear either from the Germans or off of German pattern. If the pic was nationalistic, I would expect to see German insignia and/or flags or other German symbols. The two boys in the pic don't even look strongly Germanic. Ethnic pride? Aroo? I cannot really tell their ethnicity from that pic. They could be any race short of black or Asian, and that is a possibility. You assume ethinc pride. Lastly, rascism. Where, oh where does it show rascism? I see two men in prone, one raised up to throw a grenade, and the other holding a Mauser 98k. Where is the rascism?
Again, you are adding subjective content where it does not at all exist.
This whole argument boils down to one person who wanted to publish and frame that picture, And I noticed he has not responded in a while. So how about it, G5_Todd, why do you want a representation of Nazi Germany on display?
Well, we aren't too far out of agreement there. As I said, I didn't care for the emotional baggage that pic dredged up in me either. I see no reason to lambast Todd, or, worse, to lambast Germany of today.
Originally posted by pocon1
50 Jewish civilians, try 6 million. And once again, I am not implicating Germans in general, but when 20% of their countrymen believe that we blew up the Pentagon and the WTC, we need to step up and make sure the truth gets out. when they try to cast themselves as victims of WW2, we need to make sure the truth gets out.
Um, what does
Modern Germany's thoughts on 9-11 have to do with that photo? Either you have an issue with modern Germany or you don't. If you do, stop claiming that you don't. If you don't, why do you continue to bring up what
Modern Germany thinks?
In the end, this post has wandered far afield from the original intent. I think it is a technically strong photo. It shows weaponry accurate to the period and the focus is military, thus I see the post's place on this board. We should either try to get back on topic, or stop posting.
NOTE: I am not good at either, though I am calling for it. Don't be terribly surprised if I get pulled back into this discussion after having called for decorum =)