There is no doubt that the Soviet Union would have won this war. It would be have been impossible for US forces to proceed all the way into Russia.
France failed. Germany failed and the US would have failed.
The US would also have been crippled by the fact that they would have had to transport their entire manpower and supplies across the Atlantic.
Get real people! No one could have ever defeated the Russians in an invasion.
Just imagine some ideologically opposite power invading America. Say Iran... Don't you think that every single man, woman and child would be up in arms fight for their very existence? That's what happened, and would have continued to happen, in the Soviet Union.
They had just lost 30 million in their war with Germany. THIRTY MILLION... Do you think the US public could stomach even 1/100th of that in an unpopular war? Remember "Uncle Joe" was still very popular with the US public at the end of WWII.
Mr Mephisto