I really like being a dude, and I really, really, reaaaaally like chicks... a lot. Kind of makes you wonder about God, doesn't it? I mean... if you think about it, having two genders is really a luxury. Some animal species only have one gender; they're asexual. Hmm... we ain't going anywhere.
What I find amazing is that NO ONE has flat-out said that it would suck if all males vanished. If someone asked me what I would think if all females vanished, I would respond with something like:
Hot damn, that would suck! I mean... they're so beautiful! What on God's green Earth would be heartless enough to make them vanish?!?! Life would no longer be life-- a man's purpose for living would go *POOF!*, and disappear. What the butt-sniff?!?!
If someone started a thread about females vanishing in 125000, I would immediate talk about how much it would suck. None of the chicks have talked about how it would suck if we disappeared
I guess chicks really don't like us that much. Do you gals really think we're that bad? I mean... you do stuff to us too, you know. It's not like women aren't as evil as men... but I still love women!
Where's the love?
:thumbs down: