SPAM - so why is the USA govt resisting the opt-in thing?
I dont understand it.
I live in the UK and almost all of my spam comes from USA, more than 95%. You Americans must be bombarded by the stuff something chronic. Doesnt it piss you off?
Every day I get shitloads of spam email offering to enlarge both my dick and my tits. And car loans, and viagra, and and and and fucking And.
I'm fucking <b>sick</b> of it.
The European Commission is legislating for opt-in, ie the spammers have to prove you ASKED to recieve spam or they can get sued for emailing you.
But the USA govt wont even consider that. WTF? "Freedom of speech" Oh god I dont believe what I'm hearing here, its the same as the "dont call" thing isnt it?
No, its "MARKETING" !!
I'm a programmer, so I do understand about open relays and other tricks to get the mail through, but I'm convinced that a hefty fine to a traceable offender would reduce spam significantly.
How about a law against spoofed originators? That would cut out most of my spam, and yours too.
Jeez. Ok I'm drunk (perhaps obviously) but I feel better for getting that out of my system.
Gnight all
If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always gotten