cpu upgrade
ok gang, gimme your best suggestions for a new processor. I currently have an AMD Athlon 750 mhz running on an AOpen AK72 mobo. I want to get something in the 2.0 ghz range for as little as possible.
what would you get?
also, when dealing with the various architectures, whats the difference? AMD, for example has Athlon, Duron, XP, etc. Pentium does the same thing. so if you have an Athlon and an XP both clocked at say, 1.5 ghz, whats the difference between them?
also, whats the deal on dual processors? do you have to have a mobo designed to run dual? or is there a way to make a single cpu mobo run 2? also, if you run dual 750 mhz processors, does that give you 1.5 ghz?
He's the best, of course, of all the worst.
Some wrong been done, he done it first. -fz
I jus' want ta thank you...falettinme...be mice elf...agin...