Jefferson Airplane, who were pioneers in the whole Haight-Ashbury scene in the 60s, along with the Grateful Dead. Volunteers has to be one of the best albums ever made, it captures so many moods and varieties of music. Surrealistic Pillow is probably their best-known album, that is pretty good too.
And I don't know if this'd classify as classic rock, but "The Temptations" were the shit. They were around during the whole late 60s movement, and you can tell by how "psychedelic" some of their songs are. Wah-wah guitars and all that. I like "I Can't Get Next To You" and "Papa Was A Rolling Stone." I could listen to those songs all day.
I'd also like to see other's suggestions. Some classic rock songs are great in ways that current songs are not. I don't know what it is, even though they are older, lots of them sound fresher than modern rock.