i have problems with the following people for the following reasons:
puff daddy, who got rich riding the coattails of a successful rapper, then capitolized on that rapper's death to gain his own noteriety.
dr phil, who uses women's insecurities to gain standing in their eyes and sell his books. going to him with your marital problems is liking going to alan alda for an appendectomy, only alan will tell you to your face that you're a moron for doing so.
george bush, who will stand behind all of his advisors and assistants and cabinet and everyone else and lt them run the country for him, happy to be a mouthpeice for a much bigger machine than anyone will ever know until it is far too late. any leader who will not go out and stand up to his opposition face to face earns no respect.
people who preach hate, intolerance, segregation, or other disparity between people in the name of religion, morality, or ethics, for they are truly the downfall of our civilization. as long as humans discriminate, we will never be able to evolve past this broken society we live in.
My country is the world, and my religion is to do good.
- Thomas Paine