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Old 10-17-2003, 08:18 AM   #11 (permalink)
Location: ski town
Check this thread out for yourself

After much deliberation and soul searching, I've decided to offer these babies up to the most deserving of Maggots. I just got my Stockli's (CUBUCK, you rule) and well, these skis just won't be used anymore so I wanted to find them a deserving home. And figger'ed why not just hook up some destitute Maggot out with some fatties.

The skis are 195, Igneous FaGs. Dimensions: don't remember, in the 115-90-105 range. Flex: stiff. Binders along for the ride: Solly S 900 mounted for 28.5 boots. These aren't for the timid, noodle legged, PR love'n pansies out there.

Also, they're not even close to mint. They have many core shots that have been loveingly JB welded. But they're Iggies, badass and free.

You tell me why you're so hard up you MUST have these and how the hell you think you're man(or woman) enough to handle 'em. Spin me a good yarn and they're yours, you just pay shipping.

Oh, and I'll decide who gets em when I feel like it so, well, be patient. I just want to hook someone up who really needs 'em and hear some good stories along the way.

I will be the best Captain America Lovin' rider of those bad boys were they to come my way.

I would take them many new and exciting places, like the San Juans BC, Silverton Mountain, Wolf Creek too, they might pass through other locales such as Taos, Alta, Park City, and maybe with money permitting, the summit.

Oh, and I'm big enough to work a pair of 195's (6'3", 225)

This is trully a piss-poor attempt, I really hope that another maggot who is deserving, steps up and writes something a bit more eloquent.

And this is a very cool thing to do!

This is really cool of you to do and good luck with the SS Pros. This should turn out to be a really cool thread.
I thought this thread was a joke...but seriously,this is one of the abslolute coolest things ive witnessed on this board.
SO many people (myself included) would pay quite a bit for these boards. Im honestly not really trying to get you to give them to me, not even sure i could handle these bad mo-fo's.

^^^ big up to CS.

one of the cooler things I've seen here.

They would be a great way to lock my heel down and scare people on the vail back bowls, but someone more in need should step it up.

I have a pair of 200's.
A sweet ride.

[Joke]I need them so I don't rock up my FaGS on low snow days[/joke]

someone step it up.
No joke. Just my way of contributing to the collective.

well...if it helps you at all...I was about to order this exact ski right before they stopped taking orders the first time after saving up forever for them.

you da mang, CS. I don't need 'em, but I'm sure somebody can prove they are worthy. Way to spread the stoke.

Right on, CS.

I know a certain individual who runs a volunteer patrol that may not even have a first aid room to work out of this season, teaches & certifies first aid every year, teaches avy classes, and even started a new non profit group of backcountry skiers/riders to help preserve the legacy of winter recreation on a certain pass here in CO...and doesnt get paid a dime for doing any of it.

This individual bought his first pair of 190cm Iggy MFC from the Powmag board when it first started, and is looking for some beefier, fatter boards.

This individual couldn't go in on the Stockli or Volkl Powmag buys because of lack of funds due to lower commissions made at work because of all the time committed to volunteering their efforts for the hardcore skiers and riders in their area.

Besides that, can't think of much else this individual has done in life.


After reading STD's account I don't need them or deserve them.

CS - I know a maggot who lost one of his Volkl G4s out of the back of his truck a couple weeks ago while moving. They were his only skis and were mounted with his touring binders. He has just finished being a student for the last year and is prolly fairly fund shy at the moment. I'm sure he could put them to good use. If he is in the running contact JR at *****************dot com.

I'd love em, but can't think of anyone more deserving or who'd do them more justice than STD.

I know of a certain individual (sniff sniff) who (snif) through no fault of his own (snif) has been left destitute with 8 hungry mouths to feed. Cast aside like yesterdays garbage. Left to his own devices, to fend for himself, doing unspeakable... OK, **** it, I’m OLD, POOR and LONELY...

I probably can't compete with STD, nor am I as deserving. The fact that I'm midway through my collegiate studies leaves me with no money and no choice but to crack at the opportunity. I bump chairs and "pretend" to be an instructor during snow season, but my cheap #ss mountain thinks it's okay to pay us only 6.25/hour. Aside from books and food, I contribute my money to hostels over breaks......the "Palace de Hilton" among mangs like myself. But hey, I can make money later. 195's you say? girlfriend frequents drool on something so long and stiff.

I will chalk a point against me though....most of our "mountains" are only 1000' vert....just enough to flex the Iggy's a fraction of a centimeter. Aside from that, I know more places that offer random 30 foot huckable rocks than most others in my surroundings. We make the most of that 1000' feet, whether it's walking, taking the lift, or bummin a ride halfway up, the day always pans out to be "epic" in the end.

This thread is defiantely the coolest I've seen so far.

GREAT idea CS not to many people out there selfless enough to give these up for free.

You know if you have a hard time choosing, you could pass them along all season. Start with the first person to post a reply then they get them to the next person (good oportunity for a road trip) and so on, the only stipulation is that you ride them hard, do***ent it well with pics and such, then post for everyone to see. You could call it the Iggies to the People tour.

You'd have to mount them with demos, but what the hell.
I'm don't deserve them. Asskick CS.

I have these same Igneous skis and love them, they are the best ski I have ever been on (besides my Igneous FFL).

Way to hook a bro up and all I can say is instant karma is going to get you (in a good way)

Strong move!

Okay, pull out the Kleenex.

Two years ago I started down the road to new career. I've been a carpenter and treeplanter for most of my working life up until now. I enrolled in school which involved several sacrifices. I had to quit smoking dope as my brain had not truly worked to learn anything for well over 20 years. (Beyond where all the best lines and snow are in the Kootenays, that is.) I missed the better part of a season (and the 2003 maggot summit) and barely squeeked in 40 days of skiing and spent a fortune on school. (Why didn't I do it when my mom and dad were still willing to pay for it?)

Anyhow, now that is all over with. I'm officially a Client Support Analyst with the Northern Health Authority in Fort St John. The job is okay and I had to move to hicksville because no one will give a newbie a job down south. At least not one that pays more than $10/hour. I don't know a soul here and skiing is, has been, and will be my only salvation in a land of rednecks and hosers. Powderking ski hill is 3 hours from here and I will likely ski there a few times, but I will do most of my skiing under my own steam, touring.

I loaded up my stuff 3 weeks ago and reluctantly left the Kootenays. I drove up the Slocan Valley and at one point notice that the back of my truck had blown open so I stopped and checked it out. Everything looked fine so I closed it up and sped off toward Revelstoke and points beyond.

I went to move into a new place a week or so ago and made a sickening discovery. One of my beloved volkl G-4's had blown out of the truck when it blew open. I have checked with the RCMP, the local post offices, the highways maintenance contractor and anyone else who will listen including a few Slocan Valley locals whose name I pulled at random out of the phone book.

No luck. It will be a bit before all of my student loans and moving expenses are paid back and springing for a new pair of skis (or used pair for that matter) is going to be a real stretch. Doing so would mean, disconnecting my phone, internet access and eating noodles for a fews months. Not an unbearable hardship, but staying connected with my brothers and pals is likely to be about the only thing other than skiing that will keep me sane. Or as close to sane as I've ever been at any rate.

At this point I would crawl naked through a smithrite full of broken glass to get a decent pair skis for the winter. I have no problem turning big boards, I've always skied on 210-212 GS skis and while I am not a monster (6'0", 200 lbs) I'm not a lightweight either. I ski agressively and speed is my friend. I could really give a damn whether my skis are in pristine condition, as long as they stay on my feet. I've skied mismatched skis of different lengths on several occasions (for a whole winter once, a 200cm slalom ski and a 205 GS ski) and still had a ball. I'm pretty easy to please in the ski department. Anything is better than nothing I figure.

At the moment I don't have much to offer in return except my intimate knowledge of the Kootenays, a brother who can usually score my pals 2 for 1 passes at Red Mtn., and another brother who knows many of my secret stashes back home. Heaven forbid you should end up in Fort St John, I would be more than willing to show you what I have discovered in this part of the world.

I figured that I would try and make this entertaining, but hey lets face it man, I'm still pretty bummed. A skier without skis is kinda like a guy without a dick . Now there is a sad thought.

I've done my best to fix up any maggots who have got in touch with me. I dragged easyrider all over the countryside and even put up with his diarhetic dog staying with me. Even after the damn thing bit me, twice. I've still got a chunk missing out of my ass. I figure I'm usually pretty crabby when I have the runs so what the hell.

Well I'll give this a shot...
My roommate has 4 pairs of skis and I only have 3, if I am the winner of these skis he can no longer make fun of me for being less of a person than he...

I debated trying to put something in, but concluded that others needed them more.

I like the Sound of STD's candidate.

dammit. STD's the mang and gets my vote. and i was working on my own yarn/prose for the last hour, waiting to get the jump on any early applicant's. narf!

if you've got anything else around in the next months, i've busted ass and graduated after 8 yrs of college b/c of complications over a learning disability. Beat the odds and got the degree so, I've worked hard to get where i am.

and destitute skibum? sure, but STD quality public servant, nope, not me. May he enjoy them.

CS, you've def put up one of the cooler threads around. Inspired some of us to do the same some day. thanks.

I don't want them. Although I'd love to have them. But I'd like to nominate Tom from Cham as a very deserving recipient I hope you'll consider.

Here's a guy that makes less than 10K a year, but hosts every maggot that shows up in Cham and delivers an indelible skiing experience for those who believe and appear. The guy busts ass in the true ski bum way to make sure he skis every day, living in a closet, working for peanut shells. He then comes to the US to visit maggots nationwide in a dilapidated van, spreading stoke and invites. I've been hosting him for a couple weeks off and on. And he could stay til he turned 70 if he wanted. If you ever saw his pics of the boards he's skied on while posting his adventures on this forum, you'd know we can't be letting this guy do the likes of the Glacier Rond, the Poubelle, and all the other routes he skis on anything less than those Iggys.


I'm sure STD will be happy to consider sending his 190 MFCs to either Tom or JR once he's gotten CS's 1

I think this thread as maybe just made me think about posting here again, and wow, like that I am back, at least part time. Way to go bud, way to keep the stoke, lets see some more good stories, I'd be game, but I feel like i have enough skis for the year.


I vote for JR, the dude has no skis, an I know yous went w/ Beav to look for Honc's missing K2 too.

I actually never went with Beav, I went with my girlfriend who said something like "You're going to look for some guy you don't even know's ski?" Uh...... yes dear, and since you're riding on my sled, you're coming too. Of course this made me really popular. She just kept muttering, "we're missing turns so we can look for some guys ski that you met on the internet." Chicks! I believe my response was something to the effect of "You never know when I might be struggling and some guy will put up and help me out." Not that this was why I did it, but it seemed to shut her up for a bit.

We never did find it although I know we were looking in the right area. I know one of the guides there and he pointed it out to me.

Powduh Head
Very cool CS. Tough decision. STD's friend does some cool things for the community, but JR doesnt even have a single pair of stix. My vote is to you JR.


What comes around goes around' deal.

If chosen as the recipient, I'm sure the individual I know would be more than happy to pass along his 190 MFCs to another deserving soul. This is a promise.

Just spreadin' the iggy love & stoke.

CS is the muther fukking mang, mang!!

STD, they're yours.

Contact me at **************

CS IS the mutthafukken mang!!!
Thanks dood!

Okay, JR...guess what?

Congratulations, looks like you're gettin' my MFCs. You'll love 'em.

email me *********************

Here's to paying it forward.....


If he bails I think I know of another dude who would love em!

You're the man STD. And of course CS for starting this whole thing. Thanks guys! Email is on its way.

Dr. Crash
There's more emotion in this thread than in a chick flick!

Good karma for CS, and for STD who then gave his skis and passed on the goods!


JR I was talking to an electrical contractor that lives along that stretch of road today. Actually he lives along that strech of road all the time but I was talking to him today. Anyways, I told him about your ski and he said he would put the word out to the locals. You may get it back yet.

So JR, if you get your ski back I don't have to send you my skis??? heh

If JR gets his skis back, he needs to give one pair away.

That's the way this karma train works. Might hafta jump aboard myself. Now let's see what's in this here gear closet o' mine...

Let's hope that I get my ski back. I would certainly give any skis I get away if this was to happen. I love my G4's, or what is left of them.

I am totally blown away by the generosity of the maggot community. As someone who has usually been a bit of a loner, I am not accustomed to these kind of gestures. I have had not one but two awesome offers in the last couple of days. When one or the other comes to fruition I will let everyone know.

Thanks maggots, you rule.
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