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Old 10-17-2003, 12:57 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Location: Chicago
Originally posted by Halx
the board is held together by people who just like coming here and conversing. Do we need any other reason?
Exactly. There is no set topic of this forum, and that's what holds it together. That's its community. This is not a car forum, this is not a computer forum, this is not a sports forum. It's a LIFE forum. Life involves sex, so we have tilted sexuality. It involves sports, so we have Tilted Sports. And so on.

As for your experience with an unmoderated forum, it can be chalked up to one of three things. 1) You were EXTREMELY lucky and found the miracle forum where everyone acts like an adult and people who aren't wanted get the clue, despite the odds of this happening being worse than your chances of eing hit by a meteor. 2) This forum you were on had a small member base, thus greatly reducing the odds of any given person being a jackass. (Or it was the earlier days of the internet) 3) The forum was not actually unmoderated but rather the people who moderated it did not make their presence known at all and were totally opaque about it.

If I had to put money down, it'd be on the last option.

My point? I've dabbled in many forum. I only care about 2. And I only feel the need to visit one with any kind of regularity. That's TFP. Why? Well, first off, almost every forum I have ever seen, no matter what the topic, is filled with the inevitable number of people taking advantage of internet anonymity to be total jerks without significant repercussions. Of the 2 forums I care about, one is more civil than your average forum, but is not without people who are jerks. This forum is an extremely focused forum and that is part of why it is successful in the way it is because it's not a forum designed for people to need to post regularly unless their post is actually of use. The other forum is TFP, and I think you know how this one's run And, not coincidentally I don't think, it is the smoothest running forum I have ever seen.
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"Musicians are the carriers and communicators of spirit in the most immediate sense." - Kurt Elling
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