Hmm, 4-square was popular until about 3rd grade. Then it was tetherball. Freeze tag was also uber cool. We also played a game where you had to jump off of the swing, as you were swinging, and see how far you could go.
I hated bicycle shorts/shirts. Those tight, lycra things in the bright colors. I never had one, but the coolest girl in my class did, so one day I just wore my swimsuit top to school. I think I was in 4th grade. Boy, did I regret that. No one really said anything to me, but I was sooooooooooooo embarassed. Never again did I do that. In fact, just when I am about to forget that it ever happened, it pops into my mind, and my cheeks get super red.
In junior high, the giga pets became cool. I wanted one so bad. But my parents were poor, and that always made me about a year behind the fad. I think I finally got a hold of one once, and I thought it was the stupidest thing ever. Although, so did everyone else by that time.
You don't know from fun.