I went to a private schoool. One of the 6th graders did this to a 3rd grader (one of my classmates). By the end of recess, we had the "cool kids" all gathered round my classmate.
As soon as the bell rang for us to all line up to walk into class, they took the popper off his head, and he had the hugest purple circle on his forehead.
I don't think there was one classroom that didn't have kids laughing on their wait for the end of the day.
I remember magic cards before they got popular - everyone told me it was stupid. the next year everyone was playing and fighting over them.
I also remember comic books from '92 to about 94. They were very popular at my school.
I remember the reptile fad in SoCal from 1987 to 1993, also. Started by Kenny Sommer. That was amazing.