I'm surprised at the number of people who interpret the desires of some to remove the "under one God" clause as a move by athiests to force their beliefs onto the religious. This is proposterous.
For athiests to do what the pious have done by adding the "God" clause, they would need to say something like "under the fact that no god exists," which is not what they're advocating.
Instead, they're leaving the choice of belief up to you by simply not making it an issue. You can be perfectly patriotic to your country and not be the least bit religious. To do otherwise is simply endorsement.
Having said that, I personally don't believe there should be so much propoganda to build patriotism. I mean, it depends on what you're trying to do. Sure, you don't want anyone to undermine the legal system in place or betray your country in any way, but at the same time you want a population that feels free to criticize it's government. I hate seeing people in the US demanding that people be "patriotic" and "support" the actions of the country. To me, they just don't understand what freedom is. Someone who believes that what their country is doing is wrong and is telling it so is patriotic, in my opinion.