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Old 10-16-2003, 01:11 PM   #45 (permalink)
Location: San Diego, CA.
First off, most SUVs dont pullute LESS than a car. They do pollute the same or slightly more. a new car will spew out *maybe* 1 or 2 ppm (parts per million) HC (raw gas). a new SUV *might* stick out upwards of 3-5 off of the lot. and your absolutely right, that SUV is polluting 250% more than the car!! tahts terirble! what you dont look at is that the limit is approcimately 100 ppm. that 2 or 3 ppm is negligable. Like statistics, you can make numbers say whatever you want them to, if you have no reali life comparision and dont stop and think about what they mean.

Also, those numbers are federal standards. Federal cars are sloppy gross polluters. A lot of California reject polluters will pass Federal standards. Also, cars have been getting bigger and more polluting over the years (at least thats what people think). Over the last 30 years we have doubled the amount of cars in california and cut the amount of smog in half. At teh same time we have also increased the amount of deisel trucks and large semi's. We have cars that are getting 1/3 or less gas mileage than the cars from teh gas scares of teh 70's. Yet they are allowed to pullute 1/10 of those cars, and they have better performance and are larger. It is all realative. As our standards continue to get more strict, the actual differences in the pollution output gets incredibly small, so 2 cars could have negligible output differences, and one could get a "7" on that scale, and one could get a 2.

Example, a ford f150 5.4L automatic, according to the feds, got a ZERO on that 1-10 scale. It is a horrible polluter right? Well stick on on the smog dyno and youll see one with 70k miles get perfect 0's on the emissions, occasionaly giving 1-2 ppM NOx. 70,000 miles later on a car the feds say is the worst pulluter, and it is pulling what should be a 9 or 10. Another example, a Jeep Wrangler. EPA gives it a 4, or a 1 if not sold in CA. thats a pretty sad number. It pulled about 6 ppm HC (99 or so max), 0.01% CO, and about 12ppm NOx. Again, almost nothing, yet it gets a "bad" rating.

I guess part of my point is that the difference between a hihg and low rating can be essentially nothing. Also, that those federal ratings you are quoting, while are accpeted, are terribly bad. A low number in CA, you come out to be a pretty high number on that scale the EPA gives. Its all about standards, and thats a list for the worst standards in the country. Like the jeep, gets a 1 for the federal version, and a 4 for the CA version. Just one example.

Of all the reasons to complain about and SUV, emissions shouldn't be one of them. in reality, and in comparison, they dont give off too much more than a car.
Dont cry kid, It's not your fault you suck.
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