Originally posted by Conclamo Ludus
Sure. If the Supreme Court says its unconstitutional, they can take it out. Doesn't bother me. Now what about the money thing? Are we not going to have a truly free society until every coin or dollar bill or everything else has gone out of circulation? Should we take it out of the Declaration of Independence too? Should we change the language when its being read aloud in school so that the child who is reading it is not confused or influenced? Or should we just stop at the Pledge and move on with our lives? These are all questions we'll have to face at some point I suppose.
I say yes to many of these things... However the Declaration of Independance being plagarized from a John Stuart Mill rant and also more of a historical document than official US policy (In fact the US wasn't even a country when it was written); -doesn't need to be changed and I'm tired of people bringing that up.
In fact the Declaration of Independance supports wholeheartedly the idea that men should be free from the coercive power of the state. "We find these truths to be self evident; that ALL men are created
equal" -implies that as equals we
shouldn't choose one religion over all others and then shove it down everyone's throats. Being equals -we can decide for ourselves what philosophies to accept as truth.
Furthermore the Pledge of Allegiance is a very obvious indoctrination tool. It is meant to indoctrinate people into being good, loyal US citizens... It was perverted with the intent to push God into the public schools. This has nothing to do with good citizenship.