I grew up a Jehovah's Witness. My mom was into it, so of course, she forced me to be one as well. (Note the word forced) Anyway, about the time I turned 14 I actually started paying attention to what I was being force fed and I realized that all these people were blindly following an intrepretation of a book that was written THOUSANDS of years ago. In my mind I couldn't bring myself to continue to listen to a bunch of people who were basing all their opinions off a single book. Add to that the fact that every religion has their own intrepretation of the same book, thusly the different religions, and you have one mass confusion that is not worth my time or effort.
Think about this. Prove to me the bible is the truth. You cannot. How do we know that the guys who wrote this book weren't simply high on some drug, claimed to see god, then decided to write about it. Drug addicts have halucinations all the time.
Or someone decided to make up a story about how humans came to be, then invented this "god" to explain where everything came from. then some other guy picked up the story and decided to add to it. Before you know it, you have a book with several authors and no real basis. You may argue, "Well, it must be true because we've found artifacts and locations that are described in the bible!" Well of course you are going to find stuff like that! The authors of the book used what was around them to write their story to make it sound real.
Think about it. Don't blindly follow just because someone else says it's the truth.
"The problem with quick and dirty, as some people have said, is that the dirty remains long after the quick has been forgotten" - Steve McConnell