Originally posted by Rubyee
I have been thinking of getting a piercing lately, but cannot decide between a clitoral hood piercing, or a nipple piercing. Any feedback as to which is easier to take care of or which hurts more?
i am getting a vertical clit hood piercing, this weekend or I will have to wait till next month, i am not sure quite yet. i actually started a forum in the ladies lounge about it to try and hunt down people who might have them, so if you wanted to check that out feel free (guys can read to-just no posting). i hear vertical heals really well and quickly, but horizontal i hear is a bit trickier.
as far as comparing with nipples, i've heard nipple compared to belly button a lot as far as pain. and as far as i can figure from people's descriptions VCH hurts when you get it but sounds to heal very rapidly like lip. i guess that's useless unless you know piercings from personal or friends experience. worth a shot. and as far as care i think they'd both be about equal. i'm a bit scared of infection in the warm damp place down there, but tongue would have been the same idea and it healed well. treat anything like a wound and it seems to work out.
i have tongue and lip. tongue hurt just to eat really and lip didn't hurt even slightly.
piercings are so damn addictive to me. i love them!!! i'm so nervous/excited about my VCH. I'll keep you all posted if i get it.