Wow, it seems like this statement in the radio show has succeded in doing what it was inteded to do. Anyone ever heard the saying "throwing in an Eris Apple" ?
This is nothing more than an attempt to create an argument by a clever agitator who knows that in the male genus it is programed that attack is the first line of defence.
You have been played (bigtime) and this (attacking feminism and women in general) is the reaction he/she were after from the verry beginning so that he/she can point at it and claim that men are primitive brutes.
We all know that there is no better nor weaker sex. The two sexes is simply a method of reproduction. Gender doesn't matter we are all one and the same speices.
Life is shit,
Death is even worse,
So what's the point of killing yourself?
/Ignatius Camryn Paladine