Originally posted by theguyondacouch
It's not a money thing. It's a size issue. I DO think that a Tahoe or an Expedition (SUV), or something of that nature is nicer than a Civic or a Focus (small car).I enjoy being able to get into a vehicle without banging my knee or head on the frame of the car
see: lincoln, caddilac etc...
Lincoln Navigator? Nahhh it's a little too expensive.
SUV's have a lot more uses, can haul a lot of stuff and a lot more people.
See: minivan, and besides, how often do you haul 2x4's in your tahoe?
I will kill myself before I ever own a minivan.

And I dont haul 2x4's in the Tahoe. I use the truck for that. My truck doesn't get any better gas mileage than a Tahoe. Why don't people hate pick-ups? The Tahoe is for COMFORTABLY taking 3+ people somewhere with their luggage. It is an EASY vehicle to get a child and child seat in and out of. It is safer to drive (yes, this is a me me me attitude. I dont care). It sits up so you can see better while driving. It has a good re-sale value, as opposed to the Saturn that my wife had.