I was a part of this same union before in another state. We almost went out on strike once while I was on that job.
From my view as an employee and union member it seemed as if they were asking a alot when negotiations broke down and we were threatening to strike.
What the union was telling us in that situation was that sales were up, customers were happy, and gross income was up. Therefore we deserved both raises and increases in benefits. And the union leadership wanted more then the store/corporation was willing to offer.
I got as much information as I could from both sides and what I saw was the union was telling the truth to a point. Sales, income, and customers were all good. But at the same time the fixed costs had increased. Rent, utilities, raw/wholesale products, etc were also up. So it seemed like a wash to me. Numbers were up but no one was in any better a position.
They conceded raises which I thought was fair but the sticking point that remained was benefits. I was willing to contribute for my medical and dental benefits etc. For what I'd pay for the package to me it was well worth it. I've always looked at it as I earn my wages. And then benefits are just that benefits. Things an employer adds on to retain, motivate, further compensate their employees. I've taken the value of benefits and added them to my salary to find out my total compensation and decide about jobs before. I've even taken lower paying jobs because of the benefits which made it worth more to me.
But others thought that it was their due just because of time on the job and senority. If they could make it performance based I thought that would be even better but reviews meant nothing. No matter how good or bad it didn't affect your pay scale or position. I've never agreed with that position.
I've got benefits and it's always something that I consider when selecting a job. I know many people who have little or no benefits or contribute more to get those benefits. If they are so unhappy with their jobs why not move on to something else. Someone else will probably be more then happy with those benefits.
I view both unions and corporations as both 800 pound gorillas fighting it out. I don't see it anymore as the little guy vs. the big company. They both are trying to screw each other more. I wish there was a way to change the way things are but it doesn't look like it will ever change.
Sorry about the long post that doesn't really address your topic directly. I just felt I had to get this out there.