Originally posted by Astrocloud
That same act, proselytizing; is not only an accepted behavior among religious groups... but it is celebrated and encouraged. I guess turn about isn't fair play in this case. Eh Seretogis?
I hardly think of it as "accepted behavior" -- Jehovah's Witnesses have a bad reputation of doing the same thing. By and large, the average Christian/Buddhist/Hindu/etc doesn't openly attack other established religions. From my experience in "real life" and on discussion boards such as this, the same is not true of the average Atheist. By the way, I am agnostic.
Originally posted by Astrocloud
Secondly, the theists and deists have yet to make one argument for keeping the Pledge the way it is -that isn't steeped in religion. If the first amendment stands; if the wall of separation stands -then the Pledge is unconstitutional.
How about, "it is voluntary and doesn't harm anyone." If someone doesn't want to say it, they don't have to. If someone wants to say everything except "under god", they can do that too. This is really a non-issue that's being blown out of proportion by a very vocal minority.