Originally posted by slimshaydee
I believe the meaning of life is to reproduce, so the species can continue to populate the planet forever (well until the sun/earth explodes).
What species? We control a lot of species from reproducing - even destroyed some as well. So you must be speaking of humans. Uncontrolled reproduction leads to over population, which you surely can't say is a good thing. Personally , I don't see humankind lasting until the sun/earth explode.
Originally posted by slimshaydee
Think about it...sex is on a guys mind all day long, it drives u to do stupid things, it feels so good, it is many people's main goal in life to get laid when they are young etc etc
It's on the mind of all types of guys and girls - good intentions and bad. These stupid things that you speak of include a pedophile. You say that it's many peoples main goal in life to get laid when they are young - true, it is. But how much value do I take some 14 year old? Not much. I'd rather talk to someone who has had the experience of being in love over someone who just wants to get laid.
Originally posted by slimshaydee
What do you believe the meaning of life to be?
My belief is we should better ourselves as people.