This was the point of my original post.
NOWHERE ever beats "home". But if you take that as a given, then the best city in the world?
I'd say Sydney.
But I've also heard of the following:
New York
San Francisco
I'd like to try them all, having visited every one apart from Tokyo. The two things Sydney has over and above all of the above are price (much cheaper than any of them, unless you are trying to buy a house) and the beach.
Oh God, the beach. Bondi and string bikinis... enough said.
Mr Mephisto
PS - I'm not Australian, so I'm not biased but I agree 100% with bundy. Melbourne sucks choads. Grey, grey, grey, wet, cold, grey, boring, grey, pompous, grey and just generally a very ugly city. Sydney is actually a very beautiful city what with the Harbour Bridge and the Opera House etc.