You DID say "fuck you"...
fuck all y'all I'll drive what I want
It's not a money thing. It's a size issue. I DO think that a Tahoe or an Expedition (SUV), or something of that nature is nicer than a Civic or a Focus (small car). I enjoy being able to get into a vehicle without banging my knee or head on the frame of the car. I'm a big guy (over 6'0) and hate cramming into little cars. I think alot of people who hate SUV's would get them, though, if they could afford them. SUV's have a lot more uses, can haul a lot of stuff and a lot more people.
I could care less what other people drive. I think it is kind of pointless to pick on SUV's because they dont have good fuel economy or things to that effect. I am sure that there are plenty of other things that people do that are terrible for the environment.
You are right. I did start the topic off incorrectly. I just get really frustrated with the fact that people get so irate over what I drive. I'd hate to hear what people think about my blown Cobra with no cats. I think I got 12 miles a gallon last time I checked. It is a little car but I have alot of fun when I drive it!
Want my opinion on the worst drivers? Mini-van owners. Maybe that will start another arguement