Originally posted by tj2001cobra
It is interesting how they dont bother you... You just dont want them around.
I clarified my position above - it's not SUVs that I object to, it's the fact that they are
unnecessarily inefficient and unsafe, and generally "more car" than is needed for the purpose they serve: driving single passengers back and forth in a suburban environment. If they were safer (both on their own and to other drivers - the safety of SUVs is actually a myth) and required to abide by the same fuel efficiency standards as other vehicles, I would have much less problem with them.
I also like how you tell me that I am going to go to hell because of my choices. Nice touch.
Nonono, I was referring to the figure of speech "we're all going to hell in a handbasket" - used as an expression of dismay when you think destruction is immanent, as I think we are if we don't change our treatment of the environment. I didn't mean you personally were going to hell.
Oh, and I forgot: You are acusing me of having a small penis because of driving an SUV.
That was uncalled for, I'm sorry.
All very nice arguements. Oh, and who can forget that I tell everyone to "fuck off" because of what I am driving.
Actually you told us all "screw all of you SUV haters" not "fuck off." My mistake.
You go ahead and drive a small car if you want. I can afford to drive something nicer, and I plan to do it. It is also safer for me, which counts.
See, this is the thing that gets me. You assume bigger=nicer. Or more expensive=nicer. Is it about appearances? Prestige? Status? Why not get a BMW or something instead of an SUV? Same net effect, better for the environment.
Nothing I like better than people who steroetype me for the car I drive. Shall I pick something out about you and do the same?
Actually you started out this post doing just that: "All you SUV haters", like you have any clue who we are or why we object or give any thought to the validity of our arguments. You want what you want, and damn the consequences. Sounds like we fit each other's stereotypes pretty well.