Originally posted by K-Wise
I remember in 2nd grade poppers were a huge fad. You could get em at Peter Piper Pizza if ya had enough tickets. Everyone loved em. Ya'd bend em back, lay em on a flat surface and slowly but surely they would bend back and pop up. Then some stupid fuckin little girl or 2,000 had to go and fuckin stick it to her eyeball almost making it fuckin pop out and therefore I think they recalled them from the market cause I haven't seen one of em in a long while. I used to have many but now I have none. Really sux too cause they were kinda fun.
haha. i still have my popits! i actually use them for dog toys. lol i'm weird but she loves it. she just chews on it but she's never tried to EAT it so i know i can trust her to have it as a toy. sometimes, i popit to hit her nose and after doing it so many times, she's already flinching before it pop from my finger! bwahahaha. i'm mean :-D