Originally posted by Killconey
Personal experience, I've always loved Reagan because he was able to end the Cold War and did wonderful things with the economy. Of course, I was a kid when he was president so that might also have something to do with it.
This is a good point, often when we grow up with something, experience it, we see it in a fonder light than perhaps it should be and as children we usually look up to the President - which is the way it should be. In hindsight, Reagan is not one of MY favorites, but I feel one of his greatest accomplishments was that he helped Americans become proud of being Americans again. After Nixon, Vietnam, Watergate, Ford, Carter, Gas Crisis and the hostage crisis, America needed someone to stand up and say we are the greatest nation in the world and should be proud of it. Reagan was able to make us believe this and that will be one of his greatest legacies(IMO). As I said before, time will tell if he is truely one of the greatest.