Need help with C programming math.
If you know anything about C programming please read on and see if you can help.
My version of Microsoft Visual C++ which was given to me by my school is missing files for the help section so I am unable to use that as a source. My friend reccomended these message boards to ask for help with programming.
Now to the question. I have to write a C program that finds the distance between 2 locations on the earth by using latitude and longitude. I have been given the equation all I need to do is to program it. My program already asks for and collects the data from the user. All I need to do now is write the equation.
Here is the equation I was given.
distance = 2r(arcsin)squareroot of(sin^2((first_latitude - second_latitude)/2) + cos(first_latitude)cos(second_latitude)sin^2((first_longitude - second_longitude)/2)
r being the radius of th earth in kilometers which was given to me.
and everthing after the words "squareroot of" being in a big square root symbol.
My problem is using trigonometry, powers, and squareroots in C. I haven't done math that advanced in C before. The extent of math I've used was basic arithmetic of + - * and /.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.