Several good points have been raised. The critique of tj's argument sounds suspiciously like the argument part of the GRE... lol..... you're making a lot of conclusions from very little facts, and only choosing to make the conclusions that support your way of thinking. I suggest that you examine the issue more closely, and not jump to any conclusions.
The solution here is better design of vehicles, and not increasing the weight of the vehicles. In fact, if you read the article closely, you find that that is what the article says.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said a new study proves what the agency and many others have been saying: Until pickups and sport-utility vehicles are designed to cause less damage to smaller vehicles in crashes, occupants of the gas-guzzling heavier trucks will be safer than those in more fuel-efficient, lighter vehicles.
1) Heavier vehicles are 'safer' for their occupants in collisions, at the expense of the occupants of the other vehicle. From a societal standpoint, I don't see the benefit of having more "safety" in this manner.
2) One of the major safety issues now is the crash incompatibility between light vehicles and heavy vehicles. The bumpers of many SUVs and commercial vehicles are set very high off the road. Thus, when light vehicles like passenger cars collide with trucks, their in-built safety barriers like bumpers, reinforcement bars do not work as planned. Trucks often ride over cars, and their bumpers, in side collision tests, are higher than the side-reinforcement bars in car doors, thus allowing the bumper of the truck to penetrate the passenger cabin, and cause head injuries ( most often fatal... ).
And not to mention that the rail construction of most trucks, results in a VERY rigid frame, that penetrates the cabin of lighter vehicles. Manufacturers, in addition, are stiffening the bodies of trucks, in response to ill-thought out 'safety' regulations. ( Trucks are rated based on collisions with other trucks... so they become safer to their occupants if their bumpers and frame are made stiffer.... of course... the other 70% of vehicles are still cars...