Originally posted by tj2001cobra
Until pickups and sport-utility vehicles are designed to cause less damage to smaller vehicles in crashes.......
"NHTSA's study is based on a comparison of the safety records of vehicles differing by 100 pounds, ignoring differences in safety design, which other studies have shown to matter more than weight."
TJ, did you bother to read the article or did you just make a knee-jerk assumption that it supported your existing opinion and reinforced your decision to do exactly what you want?
Saying that downsizing cars is a safety problem is really just a bass-ackward way of saying that
UPsizing SUVs and other small trucks is creating a safety problem for the rest of us.
I don't hate SUVs - they have their place just like every other vehicle. They're useful for hauling things, driving in rough weather or off-road. What I object to are the massive numbers of suburbanites who buy them for reasons other than utility (what I like to call the "small penis" syndrome), or who have this "fuck all y'all I'll drive what I want" attitude. The fact is SUVs are not, on the whole, safer than other cars, and even if they were, <a href="http://poseur.4x4.org/reasons2.html#Safe">which they're not</a>, you'd be trading in safety while driving for other downsides such as increased health risks due to air pollution, higher fuel costs due to increased demand, greater dependence on foreign oil.
Thankfully this is America and you have the freedom to choose exactly which handbasket you get to drive to hell in.