I remember in 2nd grade poppers were a huge fad. You could get em at Peter Piper Pizza if ya had enough tickets. Everyone loved em. Ya'd bend em back, lay em on a flat surface and slowly but surely they would bend back and pop up. Then some stupid fuckin little girl or 2,000 had to go and fuckin stick it to her eyeball almost making it fuckin pop out and therefore I think they recalled them from the market cause I haven't seen one of em in a long while. I used to have many but now I have none. Really sux too cause they were kinda fun.
Then you also had the puzzle balls. I can't remember what grade I was in though I think it was like 5th or 6th or some shit. Pretty cool little things. You can still find those around though. Like the poppers I also had a lot and I don't know where any of them are anymore.
Then ya had the laser pointers. Everyone fuckin had one a these things. It was always funny when someone would break one out in class and everyone would be lookin around to see who had one.
Then ya tape one a yours to yer fuckin super soaker or bee bee gun and ya felt like fuckin James Bond n shit. I had 2...I think they both broke. One I know for sure did cause I still have it around and the other was this kick ass alien head one that had all these different images you could use all ya had to do was turn the dial n shit I haven't seen it in forever though.
There were a whole bunch. The pogs (I still own a few, lots a slammers too), the cards, the hackey sacks, tops, yo yo's, etc.
Then ya had the clothing/activity fads. As far as clothing went when you were younger ya had the light up shoes, and the pumps. Then when ya got older brand names were the thing. Everyone wanted a fuckin pair a JNCO's when they got popular (my first pair were the JNCO skunks...great day) and Gibaud's, Polo & Tommy, Cargo pants (I love em...I think I got like 13 pairs of em all together...all different types a course) etc. Activities were like Pencil Fighting, Wall Ball, Breakdancing (I did it), tagging, etc. We also had this one thing we called
Z.A.P. in which case you would trick someone into letting you write that on their hand followed by a time and date and until that time and date passes everytime someone said your name you would have to tell them "I LOVE YOU" the ladies especially loved this. Loved to tease us dudes with it I'd hear my name 12 times a second n shit. I think the consequence of not saying I love you was like I dunno getting punched in the arm or some shit whatever deemed the punishment at the time. Also I dunno the birthday fads in one town I lived in ya told NO ONE your birthday cause on your birthday the tradition was that all the guys would "jump" you and kick your ass and in my case they took it the extra mile. Then in another town I was in ya tell someone it's your birthday and then they give you a dollar and you clip it to your shirt and then more people (those who had to spare or cared to) would give you money as well. By the end of the day I had like 10 bucks or something not a whole lot but still not too shabby at all I like that tradition much more than the other. I'm burnt can't think of anymore just now.