i find getting my haircut REALLY annoying and too damn expensive (what's the rate..20$ for a TRIM nowadays??) so i've stopped going. it's been over a year since i last went. i don't like when they try to chit-chat with me. i'm here to get my hair cut. and you're here to cut my hair! there's no need for small annoying banter. but what i hate the most is the misinterpretation they ALWAYS get when you're trying to explain to them what you want. "i just want a trim" means 2 inches.. *3* at most.. NOT 5!!!
i like to style my hair a lot and so what i have 'visioned' in my head is best transformed in my head.. and NO ONE ELSES. they never get it right. last time, i tried to explain to the lady that i wanted a short angular style with a tapered layered off effect in the back and she practically gave me a BOWL CUT.
i cut my own hair. i'm the only one who knows exactly what i want and how to get it. i'm lucky bcos i have bathroom cabinet mirrors that fold out on both sides so i can see all angles of my hair and just start chopping ^_^
i probably need to cut my hair again.. i'm getting anxious about it. but i want to grow it out. so i have to endure the 'ugly stage'. arg
And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
~Anais Nin