Goddamnit...my thread...I blame this on myself for it turning into a sour turd. The bottom line is I'm by no means trying to play the PC card that maybe it sounded like I was. I'm sorry. I don't think anything is "owed, or due" due to the fact that I'm asian. I just thought that it was funny how I just was sitting down watching TV the other day and saw the lack of asians. Its just a thing I noticed all of a sudden...that I found comical in a sense. I'm not making a movement for a goddamn affirmitive action movement on Tv or any bullshit. I just thought it was funny, I joke with my many friends of many backgrounds about it and I thought that we as a "Mini Community" of sorts didn't have to turn it into a "Soggybagel obviously wants more asians on TV and doesn't give a damn how it happens article. I agree with Art...don't make this so political.