Heh, thank you Mr Mephisto.
Anyway, the DVR sounds interesting and I'll have to read up on it a bit. But just from going off of your post (Mind_Storm) I don't see anything that really benifits the user that Tivo doesn't.
I am also able to record two shows at the same time with Tivo. The thing is that I will have to watch one of them while it is recording. But, I wanted to watch it anyway right? Also, with beniits of multiple roommates, we have not one but two Tivos that aid us in the "picture in picture" endeavor. It also helps to have a 50 inch TV.
As I said before, I will have to research the Time Warner deal some more. But, in the mean time, I loves me some Tivo. Thanks for peaking my interest!
Rule #97: Gozer does not dwell in my refrigerator.