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Old 04-26-2003, 11:04 PM   #69 (permalink)
I lived in Belgium, where it has just been decriminalized. We smoked all the time, and still went to work and took care of our business. In the evenings we hung out and smoked, had lots of interesting conversations. One good thing was no hangovers. And nobody every did or wanted to do anything illegal.

Ask me, you decriminalize pot, and nothing much would change to the social fabric. Sure, tax it, and regulate it; but the people who do not want to smoke, wont. The people who do will. And there are consequences, but just like alcohol and cigarettes, people will have to weigh the consequences themselves.

I do not think that the govt should try to over regulate things. Pot was legal in the US until the 60's a nd 70's. Jefferson and Washington had hemp farms. The dollar bill is made of hemp.
Now all of a sudden, after centuries of use, we need to be saved from ourselves. Right.

At least the tax money could go to education, something that would benefit us all.

=) Brought to you by a very stoned me.
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