Hey rude and moonduck, I hear what you are saying about the German soldiers, but I think you are missing my point. My point was not about the soldiers, but what a picture of them represents. The fact is, German soldiers from WW2 represent the militaristic arm of a dictatorship that was bent on subjugating and conquering the world. Individual soldiers may not be entirely culpable, but the fact is they allowed their government to mark every Jew with stars to identify them. They watched Hitler round up dissidents in their own government and execute them (the long knife period). They watched other political parties get dissolved. Then they watched their soldiers march off to attack other countries without provocation. So yes, the Germans did know what was going on. And yes, pictures glorifying Germany during that time represent what happened during that time. This picture is not being offered up as part of a historical piece on the war. This picture is to be framed and placed on display. So it does carry a message.