I sued a heavy-duty oil furnace transformer and brazing rods. By changing the type of rod used, you can vary the color of the spark. Mine had leads about 3ft high and the spark would go about 75% of the way up if conditions (temp, humidity, etc) were correct.
Make DAMN certain that you SECURE it to a WIDE base. I just used the transformer as a base. It worked fine until I took it too a science fair and the extension cord it was on got stepped on. It is NO fun to catch the end of your Jacob's Ladder in the chest. It burnt two holes in my shirt front and slammed me into a wall hard enough to damned near knock me out (it did knock the breath out of me, which did not help with my recovery). My heart was hammering like crazy, and I probably escaped death by a hairsbreadth.
Be VERY careful with that much open juice.